Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann

EAN code : 7897077804326, Chocolates

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann

Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann , code 7897077804326
Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 7897077804326, code barre Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann

The product has the EAN code 7897077804326, it is called Chocolates, Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo of the brand Fleischmann. It contains various allergens and 2 additives the details of which can be found below.

This product can be assigned to the following categories: Botanas, Snacks dulces, Chocolates.

Nutritional values :

Not enough data to provide a report on nutritional values.

Nutritional Scores

Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.

Highly processed foods

Nova score 4 : Highly processed foods

Description :

  • Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann
  • Brand : Fleischmann
  • Quantity : no information
  • Main category : Chocolates
  • Related categories :
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : no information
  • Date the product was added : 07 Apr 2020

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo ?

Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

azúcar, aceite de palmiste hidrogenado, fraccionado e interesterificado, cacao en polvo, suero de leche, emulsionantes: lecitina de soja (ins 322) y poliglilcerol poliricinoleato (ins 476) y aromatizante idéntico al natural ingredientes para perú y ecuador: azúcar, aceite de palmiste hidrogenado, fraccionado e interesterificado, cacao en polvo, suero de leche, emulsionantes: lecitina (ins 3221) y ésteres poliglicéridos de ácido ricinoléico interestenficado (ins 476) y aromatizante idéntico al natural.

List of product ingredients Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann

Contains at least one ingredient derived from palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

  • E322 - Lecithins
  • E476 - Polyglycerol esters of castor oil fatty acids
AdditivesAdditive NameToxicity
E322 Lecithins
to moderate
E476 Polyglycerol esters of castor oil fatty acids

Allergens :

Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies:

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 7897077804326

The EAN code 7897077804326 corresponds to the product Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo described above.

EAN code 7897077804326, Cobertura sabor a chocolate semiamargo Fleischmann
EAN : 7897077804326

Suggestion of similar products

Other products such as "Chocolates" :

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