Pizza masa fina special Dia

EAN code : 8480017078858, Pizzas pies and quiches

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Pizza masa fina special Dia

Pizza masa fina special Dia , code 8480017078858
Pizza masa fina special Dia

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 8480017078858, code barre Pizza masa fina special Dia

The product has the EAN code 8480017078858, it is called Pizzas pies and quiches, Pizza masa fina special of the brand Dia. It contains 11 additives the details of which can be found below.

This product can be assigned to the following categories: Comidas preparadas, Pizzas.

Nutritional values :

Nutritional values
Nutrition Facts
Serving size
Amount per 100 g
% Daily values *
Fat 9.8 g14 %
Saturated Fat 3.0 g15 %
Salt 1.4 g23 %
Sodium 0.6 g25 %
Carbohydrates 25.2 g10 %
Sugars 2.6 g3 %
Proteins 10.1 g20 %

Nutritional Scores

971 KJ
232 kcal
Nutritional values per 100g.
The percentage is based on the daily intake for an average 2000 calorie diet.

Nutriscore : C

Highly processed foods

Nova score 4 : Highly processed foods

Description :

  • Pizza masa fina special Dia
  • Brand : Dia
  • Quantity : no information
  • Main category : Pizzas pies and quiches
  • Related categories :
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : no information
  • Date the product was added : 12 Sep 2019

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product Pizza masa fina special ?

Each 100g portion of the product "Pizza masa fina special Dia " contains 232 kcal (971 KJ). The pie chart below shows the calorie distribution of the product according to the type of nutrients.
Calorie distribution by fat, protein and carbohydrates for the product Pizza masa fina special Dia

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

harina de trigo, salsa de tomate (concentrado de tomate, agua, azúcar, aceite de girasol, sal, aceite de oliva, especias y plantas aromáticas), salami (9%) [carne de cerdo, sal, dextrosa, extracto de especias, antioxidantes (extractos de romero, ascorbato sódico), jarabe de glucosa, conservador (nitrito sódico)], queso edam (9%) [leche pasteurizada, sal, cuajo, fermentos lácticos, endurecedor (cloruro cálcico), fécula de patatal, queso mozzarella (6%) [leche pasteurizada, proteínas de la leche, sal, acidulante (ácido citrico), conservador (sorbato potásico), fécula de patata, fermentos lácticos, cuajo), agua, champiñón cultivado (5%) (agaricus bisporus), jamón cocido (5%) [jamón de cerdo, agua, sal, leche en polvo, azúcar, maltodextrina de maíz, estabilizantes (trifosfatos, carragenanos), aromas, antioxidantes (eritorbato sódico, citratos de sodio), conservador (nitrito sódico)], leche uht, aceite de girasol, sal, nata uht, levadura, emulgente (lecitinas (contiene soja), azúcar, especias y plantas aromáticas, espesante (goma xantana). puede contener trazas de pescado.

List of product ingredients Pizza masa fina special Dia

Should not contain palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

  • E202 - Potassium sorbate
  • E250 - Sodium nitrite
  • E301 - Sodium ascorbate
  • E316 - Sodium erythorbate
  • E322 - Lecithins
  • E330 - Citric acid
  • E331 - Sodium citrates
  • E392 - Rosemary extract
  • E407 - Carrageenans
  • E415 - Xanthan gum
  • E509 - Calcium chloride
AdditivesAdditive NameToxicity
E202 Potassium sorbate
E250 Sodium nitrite
E301 Sodium ascorbate
No Danger Known
E316 Sodium erythorbate
No Danger Known
E322 Lecithins
to moderate
E330 Citric acid
to moderate
E331 Sodium citrates
to moderate
E392 Rosemary extract
No Danger Known
E407 Carrageenans
to moderate
E415 Xanthan gum
to moderate
E509 Calcium chloride
No Danger Known

Allergens :

Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies(*) :

(*) According to the analysis of the ingredients

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 8480017078858

The EAN code 8480017078858 corresponds to the product Pizza masa fina special described above.

EAN code 8480017078858, Pizza masa fina special Dia
EAN : 8480017078858

Suggestion of similar products

Other products such as "Pizzas pies and quiches" :

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